Tips for child care - some children find potty training not easy, others will manage it straight away

How to accustom your child to use the potty

Using the potty raises a lot of emotions in parents, which does not help the child at all. Many parents get upset that the child does not want to sit on the potty or sit on it for a moment, they get irritated that the baby does not indicate the need to pee or poo. In such situation, the child is stressed twice – with the fact that it must get used to the new equipment and that parents have something against it, but it does not know what it did wrong. 

Hence – potty training is not an easy subject, because the process is not automatic. There are children who after a quick guide from their parents manage themselves. There are also those that have considerable trouble with the potty. Bien Magazine comes to the rescue.

What you definitely should not do

First of all, under any circumstances, do not force the baby to use the potty. The process must move gradually, in a relaxed atmosphere, without stress. You have to remember that the more pressure you put on the child, the the road to success will be longer and more painful.

Therefore - do not expect an immediate effect, give both of you time, let your child familiarise themselves with the potty, demonstrate your tremendous patience and praise them for every progress, however small.

You must not push your child or insist to sit there on the potty when you think it is the right time. Under no circumstances should you get angry, do not embarrass your child, do not shout at them and do not show disapproval. You must not punish your child for having accidents, that it did not go in the potty but in diapers or pants. And the last thing - do not compare your toddler with other children. Always offer them warm words and praise for progress.

You cannot think in terms of - "if other children already use the potty, my child has to as well." Wrong thinking! Every child develops at their own pace.

Look at their struggles from a different perspective

If you feel irritated that the toddler is not able to cope with such a mundane activity, as sitting on the potty, just realise that for them it is a task as difficult as learning to drive is for you. So - demonstrate some empathy!

How to prepare for the process of accustoming your child to the potty

First choose a potty together. It must be colourful and attractive to the child and also stable. You need to give your child a free choice, let it decide which one they like as in the end it will be their equipment.

Teach a child, explaining to them why to use a potty. They will not realise this on their own. Take the diaper off and let them pee. The toddler will feel how unpleasant it is wearing wet underwear. Then it will be easy to explain to him that by sitting on the potty, it will have dry panties.

If your child has a problem with understanding the essence of using the potty, buy a peeing doll, or a rubber duck. On their example - creating a small demonstration - explain to them why they have to sit on the potty.

You can also sit the child on a potty while wearing clothes or a diaper to make them more familiar with it. You can also read stories about potties – easy to find online.

Getting Started

Once your child understands why to use a potty, it does not mean that it will be running in its direction whenever necessary. It may happen that the diaper will be indispensable. Try to observe your toddler, see if they want to go the toilet and then propose the potty. Suggest, not force.

And finally – we once again remind - do not shout, if all the actions fail, praise them for every manifestation of the initiative. In the end you will achieve the potty goal.


Author: Bien Magazine

Photos: DepositPhotos


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