First of all tackle the most important matters and then you will have time for yourself as per personality development tips

How to act effectively and work less

Best personal development tips are here. If you work all day, without rest, continuously, loosing your breath and the results of your activities are barely visible or even non existent, it is a clear sign that you are not working effectively. This means that something in your system is not working. Or - maybe you lack the system all together? Luckily, if you look closely at what you do and how you do it, you can solve the problem.

You need to find time for both work and proper rest, one that will allow you to recover physically, emotionally and intellectually. Without it - you will feel tired every day, and work will go extremely slowly.

The day before make a plan of action for the next day

Once you have decided that it is time to put in place radical changes, start with the basics. Every afternoon or evening plan your activities and tasks for the next day. Create a short objective list that will allow you to focus precisely on what you have to do. Thanks to that, your head will be calm, focused on a specific action, so that your mind will be able to rest at night. It will not work overtime, subconsciously, thinking over whether you have not forgotten something or missed something important. If you get up in the morning really rested, you are guaranteed that your actions will be precise and fast.

At the beginning deal with the key issues, important and not very pleasant

There is a rule that things that give you a sense of fear or dislike should be done first. After defeating them you will feel like a real winner, so the continuation, that is, the simpler and more pleasant things, will get sorted almost by themselves. This way you will discover that you are working faster, more efficiently and for a shorter time. Under no circumstances do not leave what is difficult, important or less pleasant to the very end. You will work under pressure all day - "the thing that I do not want to do is still hanging over my head ".

Separate what needs to be done, from what you can do later

On your list create two categories - the first fill with things that cannot be postponed for later, urgent, important, which must be done first. Focus on them first. And the other category should include less important issues that are not urgent and can be completed later. You may ask, why then write them down, since they will be waiting for their completion? Because when you put them on your list, you do not have to remember or think about them, your brain will focus on the pleasant things, or rest. Otherwise, again and again you will be thinking back to what you still need to do.

A good plan ensures efficient operation

Try to create a plan and you will find out how much time you can save. At the beginning you may feel a rebellion going on inside you – this is how the head reacts to implementing new strategies sometimes. But when you try our method, you will learn how you can work less, more effectively, and have more time for yourself.


Author: Bien Magazine

Photos: DepositPhotos


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