online magazines uk - for a maid of honour you have to choose a reliable person you know well

How to choose the bridesmaids

Certainly you wish to have reliable friends by your side on your wedding day, people closest to you, who you can always rely on. Therefore, the selection of maid of honour and bridesmaids is an important task and requires careful consideration. If you have two sisters, or a few close girl-friends, for sure you will face a dilemma which one to ask to be maid of honour and a bridesmaid. Below are some tips and advice from online magazines for women, on what to look for when you come to choosing a bridesmaid.

What are your relations?

You need to think with which of your friends or sisters you have the strongest bond. The maid of honour must be a person who is very important to you, who is a real friend, who you love and of course respect. It must be a person you can always count on. Remember not to choose a person for a bridesmaid who has some previous connection to your future husband. It can happen that your best friend was his former girlfriend, or was secretly in love with him.

Will the maid of honour cope with her duties?

The maid of honour must be a balanced and fairly cool thinking person, so if you happen to fall into the prenuptial hysteria (as does sometimes happen) – she will remind you, that you love your chosen one unconditionally, or shake you so hard that you come to your senses!The maid of honour has a lot of responsibilities to fulfill, as she helps with organising and planning the wedding. That’s why you need, for the maid of honour, to be a woman who is organsised, solid and reliable.

What is the current life situation of the future maid of honour

You need to know your maid of honour well enough to know if there has been a serious or drastic change in her life. Maybe she had a baby, split up with her partner or she recently got married. It is important not to add more duties while she has plenty of them on her plate as it is.

When you have two sisters

If you have two or more sisters and one of them will be your maid of honor, agree between you that each will be a maid of honour at the wedding of another sister. If possible, all sisters can be your bridesmaids. If you cannot decide which one to choose, take a draw.On the other hand - if you do not have the best relationship with your sister, do not force her to be your maid of honour even if the whole family is expecting it. 


Author: BienMagazine

Photos: DepositPhotos

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