How to identify real leather: the genuine versus faux leather handbags

When it comes to purchasing leather products, knowing how to distinguish genuine leather from faux leather can save you money and ensure you're getting a high-quality item. Genuine leather offers durability, comfort, and a unique look that faux leather often can't match. This guide will help you tell the difference.

The look and feel of the bag

The first step in identifying genuine leather is by checking its look and feel. Genuine leather will have a natural, uneven surface with small imperfections and a grainy texture. Each piece is unique and it will show variations in the pattern. Faux leather, on the other hand, tends to have a consistent appearance that often looks just too perfect. When you touch genuine leather, it feels soft, warm, and flexible, whereas faux leather often feels cold and unnaturally smooth.

The smell test of the leather bag

One of the easiest ways to identify genuine leather is by simply smelling the product. Real leather has a rich, earthy scent that is hard to replicate. Faux leather typically has a chemical or plastic-like smell. So, when you're next looking at leather products, take a moment to give the handbag a little sniff as this can often give away its authenticity.

The water absorption leather test

Genuine leather absorbs moisture. A simple water test can help you check the authenticity: place a small drop of water on the surface of the leather. If the water soaks in after a few seconds, darkening the leather, it's likely genuine. Faux leather will repel the water, as it is not porous like real leather.

The burn test

While more extreme and not recommended for items you don’t own, the burn test can be a definitive method. Genuine leather will char and smell like burnt hair when exposed to flame, while faux leather will melt and smell like burning plastic. If you try this test, use caution and only on a small, inconspicuous area. We advise not testing this on items like handbags, because of the potential damage to the bag.

The price of the handbag

Price can often be an indicator of the authenticity of the handbag. Genuine leather is generally more expensive due to its quality and durability. Be wary of any ambiguous terms like "man-made leather" or "PU leather," which typically indicate synthetic materials.


By paying attention to these details, you can easily identify genuine leather and make informed decisions when purchasing premium leather handbags. Remember to look for natural imperfections, feel the texture, perform a simple water absorption test, and consider the price. With these tips, you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of genuine leather products for years to come.



 Author: Bien Magazine

Photos: Red Damson

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