online dating advice, you have only few seconds to make the best impression

How to make a good first impression

Regardless of what great clothes you wear, how expensive your accessories are, how luxurious your handbag is or your shoes, first impressions don’t solely hang on your appearance. It turns out that when it comes to that first meeting, your appearance can have a detrimental effect. Naturally, we all process visual stimulation and therefore firstly look at and judge how someone looks. Fine some online dating tips and real life applications here.

The most important 11 seconds

It is not very comforting that to make a first, often most important judgment about a person, our brain allows only 11 seconds! This information does not just apply to dating, but to any first meetings including applying for a job.

During those 11 very important seconds we judge the person’s appearance. The whole charm of a great outfit, makeup or hairstyle can mean nothing if other important elements will not click, as established by scientists.

What is judged after the appearance?

55% of your partners attention will be focused on your body language. The person that you are meeting will not analyse you step by step – your gait, look, move and gesticulate. They will rely on intuition and their inner instinct. If for example you will stand with your arms crossed they will know straight away that you are cagy and are afraid of the date.

If you avoid his gaze he may find you insincere. This is how the human brain works and there is nothing we can do about it.

Therefore; smile, extend the invitation, put your hand or hands forward in a welcoming gesture, slightly lean in his direction and when he leans in, kiss him gently on the cheek. Tick! Icebreaker complete!

Tone of your voice and what you are saying

After judging the appearance and body language the next thing people take note of in those 11 seconds are the tone of your voice and first spoken words. It is worth preparing beforehand a few nice lines to avoid embarrassment of saying something silly.

11 seconds is long gone

You need to realize how short 11 seconds really are. You are reading this text much, much longer. 11 seconds are long gone.

It is both specific and intriguing that in such a short time we create the first and extremely important opinion about a person we just met. Of course this opinion can easily change when we spend more time with the person. It can change for better or worse.


Author: Bien Magazine

Photos: DepositPhotos

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