Women's magazines online discuss how a flight to the unknown can deliver unforgettable experiences

Surprise date, a flight into the unknown

In the past when a plane flight cost a fortune, an idea like a flight to the unknown would be considered pure madness. But nowadays, when there are flights available for very reasonable prices (a few pounds!), you can afford such a specific experiment. Bien Magazine proposes a crazy date - a flight into the unknown.

What is involved?

The premise of such a date is to fly where you can get to the cheapest. If you have a lot of money at your disposal, you can fly wherever is more expensive. It is important to choose the destination of the expedition once at the airport. And, of course, do not mention a word about the plan to the other person, who agrees to such a crazy date.

The charm of the journey is that you both do not know where you will end up, where the fate takes you and the circumstances of what will meet you there.

Who will suit this surprise date?

This issue should be well thought through and not made at a heartbeat, because it may turn out that the person who was made to go on such a date will experience a real horror. You certainly cannot take a person who does not like surprises on a trip and who is foreign to spontaneous behaviour. It cannot be someone who values ​​comfort and security, because you do not know where you will end up and under what conditions will you spend the next day or two. Therefore, do not risk this crazy trip, drop a few hints here and there to see what the person thinks about it, without giving it away!

How to prepare for the surprise date?

Such a date is quite a crazy undertaking. You have to prepare for it a little bit. You need to tell the person you are taking away a few details about the trip. What kind of details you may ask? You must admit that you are going somewhere for two or three days, that they must bring a toothbrush and a change of clothes. Of course, you can stock up on everything when you get to your destination, but it is hard to predict where you will end up. Hence, what is most necessary can be prepared before hand. It is also good to have enough cash supply with you. Nothing here is obvious or arranged in advance, so you do not know what may come your way.

But - you always have to think positively. Many who have tried such a date - flight into the unknown - remember it as an extraordinary, creative and thrilling experience.


Author: Bien Magazine

Photos: DepositPhotos


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