Online magazines UK - A modern groom buys his outfit for a wedding day only

The outfit of a modern groom


Bien Magazine felt sorry for the generations of young grooms who "squeezed" themselves into some sort of suit bought at a market, in which a man had to later on attend family parties, christenings, weddings, funerals or other elegant gatherings in. The fact that the poor man hated his outfit and felt unbearably uncomfortable in - no one seemed to care. The Wedding suit had to be bought.

Thankfully modern days are more tolerant and the groom has the right to dress in a comfortable outfit. If he sees fit, he can get married wearing a sweater and if he looks good in it - who, ultimately, has the right to blame him? Finally, it is his wedding day and his rules.

Outfit for this one and only occassion

However, as practice shows, there are still many grooms who decide to wear a suit. But what is more specific, more and more men follow in the footsteps of their future spouses and decide that they will also buy a suit only for this one special day.

Colour ideas for men’s suits

The colour range of wedding suits is vast - from elegant black, burgundy or beige to - what is interesting - pastels, whites and beige colours.

It is important to know that the waistcoat and trousers should be made from the same material. It does not concern in turn the jacket.

During summer, pastel colours like blue, beige, pistachio and gray are a majority and in spring, autumn and winter the dominating colours are darker.

Maybe a tailcoat or a tuxedo?

Some gentlemen prefer tailored tailcoates, which are considered the most elegant outfit. Here are two types to choose from; classic tailcoat, which has to have white added items like a white shirt and white bowtie or an English tailcoat, so-called swallow. Here, you can wear dark gray jacket with black trousers, and complete the look with a bright waistcoat.

In turn, the tuxedo requires a shirt with a broken collar, a black bowtie and a cummerband. The colour of the bowtie must be in sync with the colour of the belt. You can, of course, give up the traditional black.

Elegant accessories

Well-chosen extras show the groom's class. They express his character and personality. One of the most elegant accessories are bowties or ties in different styles and colours, hankerchiefs, cradles and cufflinks.


Author: Bien Magazine

Photos: DepositPhotos


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