Many women work two jobs - until the afternoon at the main job and later at home. How do you organise your day to have a little more time for yourself?
Australian nurse, Bronnie Ware, wrote a shocking and very wise book, which was a record of conversations with dying people. Read here what they regretted before dying.
Each of us can get stressed beyond measure. This leads to diseases, neuroses and can shorten and destroy life. It brings chaos into life. How to protect yourself from unnecessary stress?
Many people, on hearing about motivating themselves are convinced that they will have to force themselves to do it. This article explains how to motivate yourself with pleasure.
The word selfish usually brings to mind bad feelings. But egoism also has a second side – you can be a "healthy egoist" which means doing a lot of good for the world and for yourself.
If during shopping you are guided by your emotions and not common sense, when you purchase things without a second thought it means that you may have a problem with impulsive shopping.
People have constantly, since the dawn of history, dreamed about changing their lives. Unfortunately, only a few of us are successful. What to do to be part of this special group?
Many people, on hearing about motivating themselves are convinced that they will have to force themselves to do it. This article explains how to motivate yourself with pleasure.
It turns out that millionaires operate in a different way to most people. They lead a specific way of life, they think differently and all this leads them on a straight path to success.
Many people have great problems with keeping their word, especially towards themselves - they decide to do something and then postpone the action for later. How do you best deal with this?
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