A toxic relation can last a lifetime. This is probably the worst thing that people can do to themselves. This changes your life into a hopeless horror.
There are symptoms indicating that a relationship has become toxic. It's up to you whether you're going to fix it or break up before it gets really nasty.
The father-daughter relationship is usually quite specific. A father is often the role-model of male qualities. Therefore, girls tend to find a husband who would be very much like their dad. Today, we'll tell you a little bit about daddy's daughter.
A mummy's boy is a very specific character. The first impression may seem charming to you – he cares for his mother and for her needs. However, at some point, you may come to notice that such guys are “remotely controlled”
There are people who destroy their relationships. This is because they are incapable of controlling their bad habits. What kind of habits? Find out more from this article.
To create a relationship in which both parties will feel equally important, you need to practice listening skills. It takes patience, but the game is worth the candle.
People in a relationship share many issues. The problem, however, is when the source is a living creature – a dog or another animal. How do we deal with that?
A lot of people do not want to acknowledge the fact that you have to work hard, day after day on a good relationship. When the „falling in love” phase passes, the time of intense effort begins.
In the first part of the cycle we wrote about various symptoms that are clear signals that the relationship requires immediate repair. Today, we continue.
There is an infinite number of people in the world who are convinced that they cannot love, there is something wrong with them and that they do not deserve to be loved. Bien Magazine explores beliefs with these traits.
The third part of the cycle dedicated to words, which should be never used in a relationship will advise what to look out for, in order to not hurt your partner.
It is always worth forgiving the other person if they did something wrong. This does not mean, however, that after forgiving them everything has to go back to the way it was.
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