Sometimes, a person faces a difficult dilemma – is it ok to break up an unhappy marriage or a relationship full of aggression, because you fell in love with someone else?
The problem of spending holidays separately has been widely discussed. Some say that it helps the relationship, others that it is a sign that something is not right in the marriage.
Being a bachelor or a bachelorette sometimes, even these days, in times of single people, is considered by some a real offense against the established rules.
Christmas time is for some families a time of suffering. It would have seemed that the culture requires this nice time to feel homely and cheerful. Unfortunately, it does not always work that way.
Many people who are in long term relationships envy the life of singles, their independence and freedom. What do their lives really look like? Are they as happy as they seem to be?
They say that people can be drawn to each other like a magnet. But to make this happen they would have to be completely different. Will the relationship of two completely different people be better than one of two similar people?
Marriage assumes togetherness on many grounds – but this unfortunately, is often only a theory. There are marriages out there who don’t like sharing their money.
There are people who do not rate their partner’s job. They think it is not important, brings nothing into their lives and is boring. Do relationships like that have a chance of surviving?
People who are starting to get to know each other, or starting to live together should really carefully analyse their daily habits. This will help make the relationship better.
Women can’t stand it when all of the sudden, whilst in the middle of doing something, men become deaf, blind and completely oblivious to anything else around them.
Women have a different vision of doing shopping than men and vice-versa. Is it possible to combine these opposite attitudes and make mutual shopping a positive experience?
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